In general if you want to copy or cut data from a text file we can just
drag it by mouse or we can use CTRL+C or CTRL+X. But this works only for
row level. Some times we need to extract column wise. For example in an
experiment we got text file in which we don't want some columns or if
we copy some source code from internet it may consists unwanted number
In such cases let me tell the simplest technique to get data column wise
data from a text file. For this we need a small software called
notepad++. Now-a-days this is a very popular software and every body is
having this. If you don't have this software
download here.
Steps to extract data:
Step 1: Open your text file in notepad++ (Or you can just drag and drop on to nodepad++)
Step 2: Keep your cursor at the starting point of the column which ever you want to extract/cut hold ALT button and drag it.
Step 3: Copy/Cut the data and Paste it in a new file.
Method : 2
If you have Microsoft word, then copy your text and paste in MS-Word.
Hold ALT + left key, drag and copy text. It is the easiest and simple
Method : 3
If you have eclipse, open file in eclipse and hold press Alt+Shift+A, then editor turns into block editor, now select empty block that you want to delete and delete it.